Houston - Microservices, Monoliths, and Pelagianism
This month we will be examining Microservices and Monoliths in comparison with Pelagianism. Which one is closer to the ancient Christian heresy? Monoliths or Microservices? Or perhaps it is something else entirely? Come listen to our guest speaker John Cavnar-Johnson and find out!
2021-08-09T23:30:00Z → 2021-08-10T01:30:00Z
Due to the sudden increase in COVID cases, This event will be primarily remote. Please vote in the poll about whether you will be attending remotely or in person so that we can coordinate with the Improving office.
Nextcloud Talk
In Person
For those meeting in person, Improving has the following safety measures and guidelines in place:
- The meeting space will be sanitized before and after the group, and everyone is asked to maintain distance.
- masks are recommended (but not required) while not eating or drinking.
- The class rooms will be setup for class room style seating, and if we re-arrange the seats, then we are asked to return them to that setup.
- Catering is available at no cost.
Again, If you plan on coming to the office, please vote in the poll below or email us at meeting@catholiccomputing.club. We would like an accurate headcount to make sure that enough food is ordered.
- Coming (Remote)
- Coming (In-Person)
- Not Coming
0 voters