Presentation Patterns
In our knowledge economy, presentations are a common method for sharing information to large and small audiences. This sometimes leads to situations where the presenter is either extremely nervous of the audience or is speaking on a topic for which they only have partial knowledge. In these situations is can be helpful to partner with a Co-Presenter. Come join us as Chad Gibbons leads us through preparing for a presentation with a co-presenter. We’ll hear about the different modes of presenting, some techniques from academic presentations, and some of the Contrary Philosophies of Guidance for Presentations.
This event includes a remote option. Please vote in the poll about whether you will be attending remotely or in person so that we can coordinate with the Improving office.
Nextcloud Talk
In Person
Again, if you plan on coming to the office, please vote in the poll below or email us at We would like an accurate headcount to make sure that enough food is ordered.
- Coming (Remote)
- Coming (In-Person)
- Not Coming
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