Houston - Technocracy and Its Discontents

Technocracy and its Discontents


The culture surrounding the computing industry is primarily informed by and understood through a belief that all problems will be resolved through technology. However, Catholics know that this is putting the cart before the horse. Join our discussion of how to break through the technocratic paradigm and express the true nature of the human person, the role of technology, and the mystery of evil.




This event includes a remote option. Please vote in the poll about whether you will be attending remotely or in person so that we can coordinate with the Improving office.

Nextcloud Talk

In Person

Again, if you plan on coming to the office, please vote in the poll below or email us at meeting@catholiccomputing.club. We would like an accurate headcount to make sure that enough food is ordered.

  • Coming (Remote)
  • Coming (In-Person)
  • Not Coming

0 voters