Houston - Useful vs. Useless Knowledge

Houston - Useful vs. Useless Knowledge


Much of our time as technologists is spent learning how to better exercise our craft and achieve our business goals. We often hear how we need a hobby or side hustle in addition to our daily job, stepping away only when we need to recharge and get back to work. Is this enough for us Catholics? Let’s have a discussion.




Due to the desire of various members to continue attending during this time, this event will include a remote option. Please vote in the poll about whether you will be attending remotely or in person so that we can coordinate with the Improving office.

Nextcloud Talk

In Person

For those meeting in person, Improving has the following safety measures and guidelines in place:

  • The meeting space will be sanitized before and after the group, and everyone is asked to maintain distance.
  • masks are recommended (but not required) while not eating or drinking.
  • The classrooms will be set up for classroom-style seating, and if we re-arrange the seats, then we are asked to return them to that setup.
  • Catering is available at no cost.

Again, If you plan on coming to the office, please vote in the poll below or email us at meeting@catholiccomputing.club. We would like an accurate headcount to make sure that enough food is ordered.

  • Coming (Remote)
  • Coming (In-Person)
  • Not Coming

0 voters